Turkey Tail Mushroom For Sale CALIFORNIA
Turkey Tail Mushroom For Sale California. Functional dried mushrooms for sale in california have been used in Eastern medicine and other ancient healing modalities for thousands of years. Many herbal formulas incorporate functional mushrooms for their unique immune-supporting, antioxidant, and healthy-aging properties. The turkey tail mushroom, whose shape and swirling variegated colors resemble the tail of a wild turkey, has recently garnered a lot of public attention due to studies that demonstrate its ability to support immune function and good health.
Read on to learn more about the history and benefits of the turkey tail mushroom, as well as easy ways to incorporate it into your wellness and vitality routine.
Is Turkey Tail Mushroom Safe | Turkey Tail Mushroom Delivery In California
Turkey tail mushrooms is considered safe, with few side effects reported in research studies.
Some people may experience digestive symptoms like gas, bloating and dark stools when taking turkey tail mushroom.
When used as a cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy, side effects including nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite have been reported (27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).
However, it’s unclear if those side effects were related to turkey tail mushroom or the conventional cancer treatments being used (29).
Another potential side effect of consuming turkey tail mushroom is darkening of the fingernails (30Trusted Source).
Even though it has a good safety profile, it’s important to speak with your doctor before supplementing with turkey tail mushroom.
The History of the Turkey Tail Mushroom
In the wild, turkey tail, also known as Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor. Grows on dead hardwood trees throughout the world. Don’t be fooled by the name, however, because turkey tail is 100-percent vegan and doesn’t contain any animal parts. Its distinctive layered stripes of brown, tan, gray, and white can be stunning. Inspired by its natural beauty, the Japanese call it “kawaritake,” or “cloud mushroom,” due to its resemblance to swirling clouds.

In many Asian cultures, turkey tail symbolizes longevity and health, spiritual attunement, and infinity. Known in Chinese culture as Tun Zhi, it has been used for centuries by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As an immunomodulator that supports immune function and helps fight infections. Many have brewed turkey tail into a soothing tea to clear dampness. Increase energy, and strengthen the lungs, stomach, and spleen. This functional mushroom’s ability to support the health of both an underactive and overactive immune system is unique and long valued among physicians of traditional medicine.
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